(Richard E. Byrd)
Lesson Plan
In 1928, Richard E. Byrd led his first exploration of Antarctica. At the time, the expedition was the best equipped journey to Antarctica to date, and included a total of 42 men who stayed through the winter on the southern continent. All members of the expedition were important and served specific roles. The Richard E. Byrd Papers contain many files of information about those who applied and were ultimately selected to serve. Using selections from those papers, students will analyze the characteristics, skills and traits of the men who accompanied Byrd to Antarctica.
Instructional Unit:
Social Studies Skills and Methods
Grade Level:
9th & 10th
9.A.3a, 9.A.4a-c, 10.A.1.a-b, 10.A.2
Based upon the review of primary sources, students will analyze the characteristics, skills and traits of the men who accompanied Byrd to Antarctica, through the use of T-charts and Venn diagrams.
One Day (1x45min)
Materials and Resources:
- Notepaper
- Post-it notes
- Pencil
- The students will identify characteristics, skills, and/or traits of the person described in the primary source using the analysis worksheet
- The students will again fill out post-it notes, this time with actual characteristics and skills and place them upon a “new” T-Chart.
- The students will graph the new results.
- The instructor will provide the students with a Venn diagram, which will allow the students to compare and contrast their findings.The teacher will head a group discussion concerning the motivation of the participants of the expedition.