Lesson Plan
Created by Kirstie Mahas

Core Theme:
Peopling the New World – African American History
Grade Level:
Estimated Duration of Lesson:
2 class periods (50 minutes)
Standards & Indicators:
Study Skills and Methods #2: Use primary and secondary sources to answer questions.
Primary Source Used:
Thomas Clarkson (1808) The History of the Rise, Progress & Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African slave-trade by the British Parliament. OHS Archives/Library. Collection Number: V 326.1 C 561 h 1808 v. 2; Image Number: TAH0855.
Lesson Summary:
After analyzing the
, students will discuss the point of view of the resources using a compare and contrast diagram.
Instructional Steps to Implement the Lesson:
Students will work with a partner to analyze the Brookes engraving or the Brookes text using a . After analyzing the resource in pairs, the students will share and discuss their responses as a whole class. As a class, the students will compile their responses from the spiral questions in a t-chart, which can be done on a Smartboard. Following the whole group discussion, students will return to work with their partner to complete the compare and contrast diagram to take a closer look at the point of view from which the resources were created. After completing the organizer, each student will respond to the following prompt:
Which resource, the engraving or text, do you feel does a better job at reflecting the point of view and beliefs of the creator? Why?
Points to Develop:
- easier to understand overcrowding on the slave ship through the engraving
- engraving might not make sense if not put in context of the slave trade
- the numbers given in the text help explain the overcrowding
- difficult to visualize the overcrowding when only reading the text
- resources work best together
- the creator of both sources did not approve of the conditions on the ship
- the creator of both sources was trying to educate other people about the conditions on the slave ships
Post-Assessment and Scoring Guideline:
Students will write a paragraph response to the prompt. Each paragraph response will be evaluated for content as well as complete sentences. The response will be worth 10 points total.
Materials Needed by Teacher:
1) Brookes Engraving and Text in Smartnotebook file
2) t-chart in Smartnotebook file
3) writing prompt in Smartnotebook file
Materials Needed by Students:
1) copy of Brookes Engraving and Text
2) compare and contrast diagram