By VonBerg, Eric C.

*This lesson is project-based and will take several days to complete.
WHST 9-10.9: Draw evidence from informational text/websites to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Lesson Objective:
I can analyze information from primary documents/website creating a baseball card project from gathering 3 primary sources, 2 spiraling questioning worksheets, a map, a narrative, and create a death epitaph on a real individual from Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.
Lesson Plan:
View headline of Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and have them write their opinion of what they see.
Formative Assessment: Writing samples graded and corrected.
(10 min.) Engage/Motivation: (How will student interest be sparked? Is there prior knowledge that should be tapped? Is there vocabulary that must be cleared? Is there brainstorming that student need to complete before the lesson begins?)
View Power Point Presentation.
Formative Assessment: Discussion
(20 min.) Whole Group Instruction: (Focus lessons [explicit teaching/modeling, strategy demonstration, activate prior knowledge], shared reading, shared writing, discussion, writing process.)
Visit Remembering the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire web site, http://trianglefire.ilr.cornell.edu/. Introduce vocabulary in contextual sentences as a pre-test.
Formative Assessment: Take notes for project and observe the teachers’ model.
Complete vocabulary pre-test/context clues.
(15 min.) Group Practice/Small Group Instruction: (teacher-facilitated group discussion, student or teacher-led collaboration, student conferencing, re-teaching or intervention, writing process)
Formative Assessment: Completion of worksheets.
(90 min.) Independent Practice: (individual practice, discussion, writing process.)
Gathering of sources.
Formative Assessment: Validation of sources.
(20 min.) Evaluate Understanding/Assessment: (How will I know if students have achieved today’s objective?) Creation and completion with accuracy the questioning working worksheets, primary sources validated, and proper format of baseball card project.
Formative Assessment: Rubric to be used by peers to evaluate baseball card.
(20 min.) Closing Activities/Summary: (How will I tie up loose ends, reinforce/revisit the objective and connect the lesson to the unit?)
Discussion on what the students discovered and the impact of working conditions that effect employers/employees today. Also presentation of epitaphs.
Enrichment/Extension/Re-teaching/Accommodations: (How will my lesson satisfy the needs of all learners?) Scaffolding, extra time, model summarization of main points, connections to Industrial Revolution.
Resources/Instructional Materials Needed:
(Download PowerPoint Presentation)