Lesson Plan

Dwight Eisenhower
Concept / Topic to Teach:
Grade Level:
10th grade American History
Standards Addressed:
Social Studies Skills and Methods 1a,b,d
Determine the credibility of sources by considering the following:
a. The qualifications and reputation of the writer;
b. Agreement with other credible sources;
d. Accuracy and consistency of sources
Other standards depend on the individuals in which the students choose for their topic
4 weeks, including outside work, with 2-50minute class periods devoted per week to project
General Goal(s):
Have students learn to do a research project, which they learn of a specific individual who was important during WWII.
Specific Objectives:
Students will be given a short list of important individuals during WWII. They will be required to write a two-page research paper about the individual of their choice. They will not be limited by the short list, but this will only be to give them ideas. Students will have the option to do this project either in a small group, in pairs, or individually. In addition to the research paper, students will also be required to have to create a script and perform a skit or a monologue, or they can write a poem, create a poster, or create an artistic depiction of the individual that they chose. If a student has another idea, then this will be okay upon teacher’s approval. Along with this students will have to give a brief presentation explaining their individual and their choice of activity.
Required Materials:
Library and Internet access
Primary Sources Used: Photos of individuals
Homework and Practice:
Students will be required to do outside work in order to complete their project.
Assessment Based on Objectives:
Students will be required to perform their skit or monologue, read their poem or story, or show and explain their artistic depiction along with giving a brief presentation about their individual’s life.
Possible Connections to Other Subjects:
Language Arts