
Core Theme:
Growing the Nation: Westward Expansion
Grade Level:
Estimated Duration of Lesson:
2 class periods of 30 minutes
Standards & Indicators:
Study Skills and Methods #3: Use primary and secondary sources to answer questions.
Primary Source Used:
From: The Library of Congress.
Lesson Summary:
Analyzing the Lewis and Clark etching, students will answer a set of
Instructional Steps to Implement the Lesson:
In groups of 4, students will be provided with a copy of the etching of Captains Lewis and Clark holding council with Indians. Each student will receive a copy of the Spiral Questions that can be answered using the etching. Students will use an activity, “Recharge & Write,” when responding to the Spiral Questions.
Post-Assessment and Scoring Guideline:
Students will complete a PMI. Each response is evaluated as a short answer response worth 2 points apiece.
Materials Needed by Teacher:
1) Method for grouping students in groups of 4
2) Cups for " for each group
3) Directions for (copy for each group)
Materials Needed by Students:
1) Copy of the Lewis and Clark etching
2) Spiral Questions
Extended Learning:
Students will create their own question(s) based on the Lewis & Clark etching.