Teaching With Objects

Map of Ohio by John Melish

Guides for Teaching with Objects - Resources

Center for History & New Media
Center for History & New Media
National Archives & Records Adminisstration
History Teaching Institute/Ohio Historical Society

Sources for Objects

The Ohio State University
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Learning about Objects

University of Delaware
University of Delaware

A History of the World in 100 Objects

This was a collaboration between the British Museum and the BBC Radio 4. One hundred objects from the museum's collection were chosen to tell human world history from the first tool users to the present. This is not the only hisotry that could be told with objects, but it is a fascinating exercise and presents an excellent model of how objects can be used as an entry point into history. Here are two ways to access the material:
THE WEBSITE: At the website related to the program, users can explore high quality images of the objects and listen to the broadcast.
THE BOOK: The text of the broadcasts along with images of the objects.